Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day one of 6!

Today is my first day off of 6.
I thought I might stay up really really late last night and clean the whole house, but...

So today I went to the eye doctor, yet again, and came home and tackled the bathroom.
I got that accomplished sans the floor and then it was time to pick up the oldest.
When I got home from that and a lunch and quick play at McD's with my dad ( the kids played, not dad & I!), the youngest slept while I started de-cluttering the kitchen and living room.
I should have taken before pics, but no one wants to see that! Trust me!

I am really trying to toss all the junk stuff we never use. Like the pencil , eraser and sticker packet from Halloween.

I am in the mood to eat chocolate cake, cold with a big icy glass of milk. I am not in the mood to make it. Just in case you were wondering.

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