Friday, June 13, 2008

Brownies WITH sugar

I re-made Ina Garten's "outrageous brownies" again today... this time with sugar!
About two weeks ago I absolutley forgot the 2 1/4 c of sugar and let's just say they were very dark.
I also made a double batch of banana muffins to use up my brown bananas and those were ok. Nothing fabulous like everyone rated them.

I did about a zillion loads of laundry - in Gain- naturally. I washed my floors by hand, did dishes, put dishes away, got an oil change, took clothes to Goodwill and hit CVS and Target.

I took my three year old to breakfast at a restaurant , just us. We snuck out before anyone else was up. That is so fun. We have done it before and he is such a grown up!

So my mother has a fresh set of sheets waiting to get put on our bed in the morning, a dust free ceiling fan, clean floors and bathroom. All of this took only three days!
I had a ton of catching up to do... years worth. I had just been shuffling a lot of junk around.

Good thing we are going ot of town tomorrow and I had to do it- or else I may never have.

I did a ton today, I did not, however, shower. Something has to give.

Oh yeah- and I never figured out my tutuorial on using our remote control and switching from tv to dvd.

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