Saturday, June 21, 2008

All drivers beware!

I had my first ride, or drive rather, on a motorized vehicle with two wheels.
It was very impromptu, I was just getting home and my husbands friend stopped by to show it to him.
He practically dared me to drive it and of course I cannot turn down a dare no matter how scared I am.
While both kids were still in the car, I took off down the side walk, missed the driveway, flew over the curb and very very close to a white ford station wagon.

But then I got the hang of it and went entirely around the block! HOW FUN! But I think that is enough for a while.

I didn't even have a helmet or sunglasses on. Look out she's a dare devil!

All that excitement on top of a super good deal at Target, free splashes at the downtown fountain and then 3 free fruit teas from Carabou Coffee!
And then it crashed when I got home to check the mail and in it was a notice that my children's health insurance was ending in 10 days due to non-payment. Funny since my bank says the premium check cashed 4 days before it was due... hmm.
I already sent off a very demanding email as to what the heck happened and will this be a regular occurrence? I am sure they will all laugh at that one and throw me to the end of the pile, since it is the State, but I feel a teensy bit better! SO HA!

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