Friday, June 6, 2008

A bit of a break and geesh Gain smells good!

I always admired my girlfriend Carrie's " house-smell." You know, everyone has a house smell. I always worry that mine smells like basement and cigarette smoke from the neighbors. Dh says I am crazy, but cigarette smoke is pungent and I KNOW I smell it.
I digress... Carrie's house has a smell that is just good. Clean. Warm. I could just linger there forever, and have stayed many a day and night anytime I was invited!
When the time came for her to start giving my hand-me down baby clothes- they came with the smell! Hoo-Ha!
But what is it? I got those first bags of clothes three and a half years ago and this week I figured it out- Gain laundry detergent. I'll be! All this time and that is all it was.
And to put the cherry on the top- gain is cheaper than Tide and rated well too, says Consumer Reports!
I forgot about my discovery until I was folding laundry again tonight and I thought- this is too exciting to keep to myself. Hmm, I think that says a ton about my life these days- and yet it is pretty darn fascinating to me!

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